Re-Union Canal Boats is part of the Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust. We are a social enterprise and provide private hire and trips on our boats, the Lochrin Belle, Waterwitch and Kingfisher. All our profits go to supporting local community activities and supporting the aims of the organisation – making our local area a better place to live, work, do business and visit.
We are now taking online bookings for trips!
For answers to general questions about Re-Union and the Lochrin Belle please click on the FAQ button below
Re-Union supports and encourages communities to engage positively with the canal, to promote its heritage, environment and amenity, with a view to encouraging more local people to use the canal to their benefit. We have been operating since 2004 working with canal-side communities near the Union Canal, originally from a base in Edinburgh. In 2012 we established a second base in Falkirk, extending our work to communities living beside the Forth and Clyde Canal, now a separate organisation – Go Forth and Clyde.
We have delivered a range of projects around volunteering, employability and lock-keeping as well as a number of community projects such as a community orchard, events including the Edinburgh Canal Festival, together with environmental improvement and health & well-being programmes. Projects and initiatives generally are instigated in partnership with our volunteers and stakeholders, and all projects aim to invest in our volunteers and trainees as well as developing links with canal-side communities.

Re-Union Canal Boats is a trading name of the Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust a charity registered in scotland: SC035342 and a registered company, number: 265866
Registered address:
c/o Scottish Canals Office
23 Lower Gilmore Place
Edinburgh EH3 9NY
07716 745978 |